Dear Fried Food, Fast Food, Comfort Food and all your pals:
For all these years I have thought you were my friend. I have turned to you in my time of need, sadness, happiness, celebration, anxiety and each emotion I have within me. All you have done is stab me in the back, plumpin up my ass and every other part of me and yet, I was never able to get you out of my life. Well, this letter is to tell you NO MORE. I will not be swayed with your fried-smelling, mouth watering antics! Your late night comercials are no match for my will-power and self worth. That being said, if I happen to come across you or we see eachother in passing, I will not hesitate to give a little 'hello' and be cordial. Also, Adam may still desire your friendship on occasion, in which case, I will be civil and engage in a short conversation. If we attend the same BBQ I will do my best to avoid you. I am done dealing with you because you make me feel bad about myself and you have no real reason of even being in my life. Get out.
Fed up with flab!
Ok, I admit it, its not really the foods fault. I take responsibility, but at the same time, I place a little on the way I grew up. I grew up in a home with a compulsive feeder. Maybe you know one, the person who makes your favorite carb-filled, gravy-covered, sugar-coated meal whenever you are feeling depressed/sad/happy/celebratory. This person will also offer food to your friends upon sight. This was/is my mom. She doesnt always interact best with people, so she does what she knows will make them happy... she feeds them. I am doing my best to not become that compulsive feeder, and I think I am doing alright. I want my daugther to have a much healthier relationship with food than I do.
I started going to the gym recently and it has helped me in SEVERAL ways. I feel better all day long, I am getting my self esteem back, my skin looks great, and my clothes will all soon fit again. (Fit like they're supposed to and not like I had to use mechanics to get the zupper pulled) My goal is to look healthier by Brooklyns birthday (Mid October) and be much more slender by the next time I visit Montana. I really need to lose at least 40 lbs to be in a healthier range, but if it were up to my doctor, I would lose 55 or 60. Blah! No thanks! Hahaha. I have revamped my eating habits, and I will keep you posted. Anyways, thats all for now.
Tell me somethings you have done to be more healthy/lose weight/exercise.
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