Thursday, October 21, 2010

Introduction - WHO? ME?!!

As you may have guessed, I am not ACTUALLY a Superhero. But, I do have a lot to say, so tomato tom-ah-to. Here you will find random knowledge and opinion, some useful - some useless, but all of it's free. I have a lot of opinions, all of which are fact (ha!), and here I will discuss them with myself. From dealing with stress, to dead beat dads, to relationship issues and anything else that comes to my mind. I am also willing to give opinions on topics you choose. See? Now isnt that nice of me?? I will also share of my trials and tribulations big and small, I'll share them all!

Stay tuned for my next posts:
"Miss Independent, and why she's so damn needy!"
"A Day In the Life of a Chocolate Chip Cookie"

About me:
I am 25 years and 7 months old at the moment. I am currently employed at a world renowned hospital in the Seattle area. My daughter turned 4 this week, and I am proudly her sole provider. I have been living in the big girl world since I was nearly 18, but was helping provide for my family long before that. My outlook on life is positive. I love to motivate and inspire. I hope you get something out of my blog and arent just wasting precious life minutes reading it, because lets face it.... that would suck! =) Here are some pictures of me and my daughter over the last year. Have a great day.

I am also on Facebook and Twitter.

Twitter: Quirkymama23

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